Gastroscopes, Anesthesia Trolleys and Operating Tables, Oh My!

The Medical Device industry's use of ARS has long been sporadic, mostly out of uncertainty as to how to use it in a live venue. Gauging the audience for their comfort and knowledge on an existing or new product can go a long way; not only by showing your audience that you care about their thoughts, but the helpful pillar that is understanding your audience.

The idea of presenting under the fear of regurgitation or recycling that is which already known can be eliminated simply by getting familiar with who you're addressing. It can enhance your Q & A discussion later in the presentation, which you can kick-start with ARS using deeper questions and content.

It's more than promoting medical device software to an audience of medical buyers or caregivers. It's qualifying your audience. And it can allow you to better position yourself and help your target audience learn more.